Maashree is a Spiritual Guide whose divine grace, wisdom, and benevolent disposition is a beacon of light towards finding profound Peace. Her presence can fill a person with undefinable joy and unlock unconditional love within them. For the disciple, She is a mirror to one's Soul.
Uttarann is a Spiritual Foundation that is comprised of our Ashram in the Sahyadris, SHREEJAASHRAM, and Shree Aum Charitable Trust that manages the Publications of Maashree's Discourses. Both public bodies are united in inspiration by MAASHREE's Wisdom and LOVE for Humanity.
Uttarann's mission is to rekindle Consciousness and Compassion in society and uplift human lives. We organize social initiatives, meditation retreats and awareness campaigns.
Shreejaashram Charitable Trust is a philanthropic and public charitable body with the mission to awaken consciousness, namely compassion and humanity, in our society. This body was constituted in 2008 under the blessings of Shree Guru Maashree, the guiding light of Uttarann.
Her Sayings point us towards Truth Realization, revitalizing the age-old teachings of Sanatan Dharma in the context of modern life and society.
Shreejaashram Charitable Trust is a philanthropic and public charitable body with the mission to awaken consciousness, compassion and humanity in society. The following video is a compilation of our initiatives over the years.
Volunteers carry out charitable activities for tribal communities and underprivileged students in the remote villages of Maharashtra.
Our volunteers conduct Yog asana and meditation sessions in various schools, colleges and offices, bringing the benefits of yoga into many people's lives.
Join us for Retreats and Treks in the breathtaking ranges of Uttarakhand for a breathtaking journey to reconnect with your Soul. These retreats are also an opportunity to be in the Sannidhya of Shree Guru Maashree.
To raise awareness on the dignity of animals and their suffering in the name of consumerism, our volunteers conduct peaceful, silent stands on the streets of Indian cities to hoist the banner of Love.